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External gel filling production line
产品名称:SGNJ-4 type four piece gynecological gel propellant combined filling and capping machine
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SGNJ-4 type four piece gynecological gel propellant combined filling and capping machine
产品说明 | Description
<p>      该机型原是根据客户包材定制的一款机型。然而成为广大客户青睐的的一款产品。由圣灌公司设计队伍对机型进行研发而成。该机型集机械、气动、自动为一体
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  • 详细描述

The model was originally customized according to the customer package. However, it has become a favorite product of customers. The design team of Sheng Guan company has developed the model. The machine is integrated with mechanical, pneumatic and automatic. It has the characteristics of high automation, high yield, wide adaptability and good stability. With its high technology content, good adaptability and excellent quality, it is an ideal special filling equipment for gel manufacturers.
technical parameters:
design capacity: 1-5g
yield: 20-30 / 40-60 /
, loading accuracy: + 3

Copyright ©2018 Shanghai Shengshun Machinery Co., Ltd. 沪ICP备10213035号-1
TEL:021-69176088 FAX:021-69176085 MOBILE:13501870392
Email:sg01@sh-sgjx.com QQ:451326483|1925828743|562373933
address:No. 7, Lane 5000, Bao Qian Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
